

2022-10-04 20:50:03 主编


LA CAPPUCCINA酒庄位于,意大利东北部威尼托产区,超过一个世纪的历史始于16世纪的庄园,从1890年起,特萨里家族就在其【修道士】酒庄酿造葡萄酒,该酒庄位于维罗纳东部的索阿维DOC产区的科斯塔卢加,从威尼斯驾车大概一个多小时。 此处地名来自于一处重建的典雅的16世纪的教堂,该教堂附属于布利特萨里别墅——该地曾是嘉布 遣会修士膜拜的圣地,它最引人注目的建筑特色及轮廓如今成为【修道士】酒庄的商标LOGO。在94英亩的庄园里,葡萄树在黑色的玄武石之间郁郁葱葱。



LA CAPPUCCINA酒庄修道士酒庄被赞誉为是葡萄庄园有机生产的先锋,而且是意大利有机葡萄酒酿造的领导者。早在1985年,酒庄经过深思熟虑,迈出了勇敢的一步,在尊重自然传统的基础上,完全采用了有机生产法。为保护环境,也为酿造更健康、天然的葡萄酒,所有的化学方法都被禁止了。多年的不懈努力, 成就斐然,如今的La Cappucina酒庄被认为是意大利有机葡萄酒的领导者。或许是最优雅的酒款酒庄葡萄园正好处于古代的 Postumia大道之上,它是古罗马人为了连接维罗纳 (Verona)和欧洲北部而修建的一条古道。 


Cappuccina酒庄有超过一个世纪的酿造历史,是欧洲乃至意大利有机生产和酿造的先锋,早在 1985 年就开始以有机方式生产酿造葡萄酒。纯净无杂,优雅均衡,是酒庄有机高品质的最佳体现,并获得众多重大奖项:《大红虾》上榜酒庄,《Slow Wine》特别推荐, Challenge Millésime BIO法国有机葡萄酒挑战赛金奖、The International Organic Wine德国国际有机葡萄酒大奖赛金奖等。


LA CAPPUCCINA酒庄当年的嘉布遣会修士(Capuchin)使 Garganega 葡萄品种在 Soave 和 Monteforte d’Alpone 周边区域得以重生,至今仍占有酒庄 70%的比例。佳美娜、梅乐、赤霞珠等品种外,酒庄还培植了一种典型但却罕见的维罗纳本土品种:Oseleta(奥赛莱托),这种黑葡萄的显著潜力在酒庄一些最好的佳酿中得以充分展示, 比如它著名的旗舰款坎伯布利干红,其极致的优雅均衡享誉红酒进货渠道及方法欧美。

Amongst the age-old vineyards of the Soave zone, in the Veneto Region of Italy, stands La Cappuccina,the enterprising and dynamic estate run by three young but already highly successful siblings: Pietro, Sistoand Elena Tessari, the third generation of a historic family of vignerons. The estate is in the picturesquevillage of Costalunga di Monteforte d’Alpone, on the hillsides of the eastern part of the Province of Verona,a mere hour’s drive from Venice. It lies amongst black basalt rocks, which bear witness to ancient lavaflows from undersea volcanoes. 

Here, the vines grow lush and the fine wines of La Cappuccina slowlymature.Ever since 1890, the La Cappuccina Estate has made wine and been run by the Tessari family. Itsheadquarters are in the splendid Villa Buri, in Via San Brizio, surrounded by equally elegant gardens, inwhich occasionally appear clumps of three cypress trees that attest to the estate’s strong links to thedenominational tradition inherited from its founding fathers. In the centre of an airy courtyard there rises anancient mulberry tree, to which the family is parti- cularly attached because it represents the last vestige ofthe age-old practice of cultivating silk worms, which the estate used to own.Since 1985 La Cappuccina has taken the courageous and deliberate step, in line with its long tradition ofrespecting the integrity of its soils and the wholesomeness of its products, of adopting organic productionmethods. 

All chemical treatments have been banned in order to guarantee healthier, more natural productsand greater respect for the environment. The results of this decision have been very positive for LaCappuccina, which is now regarded as one of the leading producers of organic wine in Italy. And this successstems from a typical Veneto model: that of the ―family business‖, in which the entire family contributes to the success of a company’s entrepreneurial initiatives.
